How To Upgrade Jewelry In Diablo 4

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Diablo 4’s itemization has placed far more value in crafting services than past Diablo titles. Skilled players can use the Codex of Power and various town vendors to reforge items as they see fit, adding Legendary Aspects or rerolling stats entirely. One of these crafting vendors is the Jeweler, available at level 20.

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As their name suggests, Jewelers are capable of assisting players by upgrading their jewelry and socketable gems. While these effects might not be as impactful as crafting Legendary affixes, Jewelers are an important vendor for min-maxing your gear and getting the most out of your amulets and rings. This guide will cover all Jeweler services in Diablo 4, how to unlock them, and how to upgrade your jewelry.


Jeweler Services

Diablo 4 Jeweler Vendor

The Jeweler is one of Diablo 4’s many vendors that focuses on modifying item sockets, gems, and upgrading jewelry with crafting materials. They offer the following services:

  • Crafting Gems: Use crafting materials to forge gems you can socket into your gear, providing passive bonuses.
  • Unsocket Gems: Remove gems without destroying the item.
  • Add Sockets: Use a rare crafting material to forge item sockets onto your gear, up to a socket cap.
  • Jewelry Upgrades: Increase the item level of amulets and rings. Can be done four times per item.

Unlocking The Jeweler

Diablo 4 Jeweler Vendor Map Icon

The Jeweler’s services unlock upon reaching level 20 and completing a short vendor quest in Kyovashad. This quest simply asks you to craft a gem at the Jeweler vendor. Once finished, you’ll be able to access the Jeweler vendors in every major town in Sanctuary and access all of their core services. Bear in mind that some services require rare crafting materials you might not have access to at level 20.

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Crafting Gems

Diablo 4 Jeweler Gem Crafting

Gems are fairly common in Diablo 4, but if you’re missing a specific gem type for your build, you can make them at any Jeweler vendor. For a small amount of crafting materials, you can craft any type of gem currently available to you. Do note that more powerful gem variants unlock as you level up, so check back at the Jeweler often to see if any new gem rarities are available to forge. Higher-tiered gems require three lower-tier gems to forge. For example, a Flawless Amethyst gem requires three Amethyst gems to forge.

Socket Items

Diablo 4 Jeweler Socket Crafting

Jewelers can add sockets onto items in Diablo 4, up to a stamp that’s determined by the item type. Most items can only house one gem socket, although weapons, chest armor, and pants can install two gems at once. Adding gems to an item requires a Scattered Prism, a unique crafting component rarely awarded from world and dungeon events. Complete these events whenever possible to increase your stockpile of Scattered Prisms, allowing you to add sockets to all of your endgame gear.

In addition to adding sockets, Jewelers can uninstall gems on items you’re currently using. This will unsocket the item, preserving both the gem and item. Unsocketing gems is a free service.

Jewelry Upgrades

Diablo 4 Jeweler Upgrade

Similar to the Blacksmith, Jewelers can upgrade amulets and rings for a small crafting fee. Items in Diablo 4 can be upgraded up to four times, each upgrade increasing item level by a small amount. This typically means your affixes will be increased by small magnitudes (0.5-1%), but item level dictates certain affix ranges. in other words, upgrading your item will sometimes reroll affix values if it upgrades your item level to a certain breakpoint. This is why some upgrades might seem much larger than others. Paradoxically, this can also mean upgrading your item lowers an affix value if it rolls a new, lower value than what’s present on the item. This has an extremely low chance of happening, but it’s possible.

Upgrading jewelry requires crafting materials and a small Gold fee, the same as most crafting vendors. Rare items require Veiled Crystals to upgrade, and Legendary items require Baleful Fragments. Higher upgrade tiers get progressively more expensive, so be sure you’re only upgrading items you plan on using for a long time.

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