Last Updated: March 04, 2023, 14:03 IST

The process of adoption of hallmarking in India was started in phases.

The process of adoption of hallmarking in India was started in phases.

In India, In FY 2022-23, 10.56 crore pieces of gold jewelery were hallmarked.

The Central government has said that the gold jewelery and other artifacts can’t be sold without the mandatory Hallmark Unique Identification Number (HUID) from April 1, 2023. Nidhi Khare, Additional Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs was informed about the decision of the government at a press conference on Friday.

She said that considering the consumers’ interest, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, has taken the decision to ban the sale of gold jewelery and gold artefacts without a Hallmark Unique Identification number (HUID).

The official website of the Indian Standards (BIS) states that hallmarking is an accurate determination and official recording of the proportionate content of the precious metal in the gold jewelery and other items.

The ministry has also informed that a discount of 80% will be offered on certification and a minimum marking fee for micro units while an additional 10% concession is reserved on certification fee for units located in the North Eastern states.

After 31st March 2023, only 6 digits of alphanumeric HUIDs will be considered valid. Earlier BIS considered both 4 and 6 digits IDs valid, but now only 6-digit HUIDs will be valid. The process of adoption of hallmarking in India was started in phases.

Nidhi Khare said that 10.56 crore pieces of gold jewelery articles were hallmarked during Financial Year 2022-23.

What is hallmarking?

A hallmark is a recognized official stamp of authenticity that certifies the ‘purity or fineness of precious metal products’. The main goal of hallmarking is to safeguard the general public against the adulteration of gold by mandating manufacturers following predetermined standards for 18, 22 and 24 carat gold.

The government had stated in November 2019 that starting from January 15, 2021, gold hallmarking would be required. However, due to the pandemic, that date was twice extended, first to June 1 and then to June 16. According to BIS, its hallmarking system features global standards for gold certification. When selling hallmarked jewelery, jewelers are required to register under the BIS system.

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